Please keep this time in prayer,
We were in Malawi with Pastor Scibelli from Baltimore, then flew in to Lusaka, Zambia for a gathering of 650 people from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Congo. I am currently on a night bus with Pastor Emile heading North to Kitwe and hope to cross tomorrow into Congo. Please keep us in your prayers. Pictures below!
MALAWI is one of the smallest countries in Africa, on the east side of Zambia. Pastor Chris Arman and the team have made a great investment there and we saw 50 people graduating with 2 & 3yrs. The Bible college has 150 students.
ZIMBABWE came to ZamCon with 70 people, they hired a coach bus and came at their own expense.
P. Adam and one of the Zimbabwean students. Zimbabweans are the only people on this continent which I have met that have selfie sticks!
Graduates from Lusaka, Kitwe, Malawi, Zimbabwe etc.
Pastor Sciibelli addressing the graduates.
KITWE some of the 13 graduates from Kitwe.