5/5/16 - **FINAL REVIEW**
- Anthropology - What is man? Know the different parts of man, materially, and immaterially, the psychology of man in all cultures, biblically.
- Nations - Know where in the Bible God established national entity.
- Contextualization - Be able to write an essay on sharing the gospel with a third world, impoverished, uneducated crowd, in a market place.
- Cross cultural evangelism - Know about God's heart for taking the gospel, cross culturally, in the O.T. (5 examples).
- Effect of the gospel - Know at least one case study of a place where the gospel has had a great effect cross culturally.
- Ethnocentrism - Be able to define prejudice.
- Cults and comparative religions - Know at lease 2 of each, and be able to give their similarities and contrast the differences to each other.
- Cross cultural evangelism - Be able to give examples of different categories of religious figures which one may encounter in different religious cultures.
- Warfare and strongholds - Be able to define and give examples of spiritual strongholds in countries.
- Discipleship - Be able to give practical examples of initiating discipleship in a cross cultural situation.
- Know 2 Tim 2:2 and its significance for missions.
- Area studies - out of all the regions we studied, pick one and be able to explain, to a potential team member, what it's like to live there practically, and why it is a strategic opportunity as a potentially fruitful mission field.
2/28/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 14 - The Church Worldwide
4/21/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 13 - Discipleship Training
3/22/16 - ANNOUNCEMENT!!/ P. Chris Moore is the guest speaker for 3/31 & 4/7 DON'T MISS IT!!!
3/10/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 7 - CCE with the Body
3/10/16 - **MIDTERM REVIEW**
- Contextualization vs Syncretism
- Cross culture in the OT (Abraham in Canaan, Joseph in Egypt, Moses, etc.)
- Ethnocentrism, imposing a culture, etc.
- Cultural relativism in anthropology
- Animism
- Basic beliefs of the main cults and comparative religions studied in class
- Regional strongholds - eg. materialism, voodoo, pseudo-intellectualism, orthodoxy
2/25/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 6 - Warfare
2/18/16 - Video/ The Pineapple Story
2/18/16 - Document/ Truth Revealed (Tract for Muslims)
2/11/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 4 - Cults [password]
2/4/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 3a - other religions [password]
2/4/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 3b - Islam [no password]
1/30/16 - Video/ Ee-Taow: The Mouk Story // Official Video by New Tribes Mission
1/30/16 - Video/ "What is man?" (P. Schaller)
1/28/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 2 [no password]
1/21/16 - HW/ Prepare For next week's discussion:

- post figurative cultures
- co-figurative cultures
- pre-figurative cultures
1/21/16 - Notes/ 8 Basics Needs which cultures try to meet:
- Metabolism (food, etc)
- Reproduction
- Bodily comfort
- Safety/ security
- Movement
- Growth
- Health
- Relationships (natural & supernatural)
1/21/16 - Slideshow presentation/ Class 1 [no password]
1/21/16 - Video/ Going herbal... The bird that cures epilepsy - Herbal medicines prescribed by Zambian witch doctors
1/20/16 -Outline/ Syllabus